Now that the moving is almost over, I can breathe a little more deeply. Oh, we still have a BUTTLOAD of stuff at old house to sort through, toss or move but we're at the end of it. I'd suggest some gas and a match just because I am so tired of moving but its not my house. Story of my life. Anyway I like the new house so much I don't mind being there all the time. In fact, I like it. I like it so much, I decided to make my inaugural Thursday Thirteen post about what I like about my new digs.

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen Things about My New House

I like the fact that the school buses come through our neighborhood.
2. I
like it that we have twice as many birds here than we did at the old place.
3. I like it that the dogs can spend all day out in the backyard and I don't have to worry they'll hop the fence and scare the bejeezus out of someone.
4. I like commuting across the backyard to work in my studio.
5. I like it that once it's free of boxes and such, the cats can go out on the room-sized screened in porch to sun themselves and watch the squirrels and birds.
6. I like having a large sunny kitchen that holds more than one person.
7. I like the feeling that I live in a house I can keep up with now.
8. I like that the washer and dryer are side by side instead of in different rooms.
9. I like the wooden swing that sits in the backyard.
10. I like the big magnolia tree in our front yard.
11. I like our friendly mail carrier.
12. I like the way the pine trees in our backyard talk when the wind blows.
13. I like liking where I live.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

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