1. The Misanthtropic: Name something (about humanity) you absolutely hate.

I honestly cannot think of anything I hate about humanity this week, unless it's phoniness (see #2)

2. The Meretricious: Expose something or someone that’s phony, fraudulent or bogus.

Perpetual Teenie Boppers- See the next entry.

3. The Malcontent: Name something you’re unhappy with.

See #2

4. The Meritorious: Give someone credit for something and name it if you can.

This week, my DRS (Dept. of Rehab) counselor gets credit for doing a great job in spite of the bureaucratic bullshit and inefficiency she deals with everyday.

5. The Mirror: See something good about yourself and name it.

I am real. I rarely say anything about anyone else, I wouldn't say to their face.

6. The Make-Believe: Name something you wish for.

Enough money.