I snarfed this from Ma T who snarfed it from Shelley.

1. My ex is still… my ex

2. I am listening to… the Janice Dickenson Modeling Agency show. Apparently there is a marathon on today.

3. Maybe I should… eat breakfast, swallow vitamins & meds, let the dogs out and clean up the backyard.

4. I love… Manthing.

5. My bestfriends… make me laugh and let me know I am not alone.

6. I don’t understand.. lots.

7. I lost my respect for… establishment

9. The meaning of my screen name is… a mystery.

10. Love is… Manthing and my critters.

11. Somewhere, someone is… laughing

12. I will always… be me.

13. Forever seems like… it’s not nearly long enough to read all the books I want to read.

14. I never ever want to lose.. my sense of humor.

15. My mobile phone is… sitting right here.

16. When I wake up in the morning... I need diet coke, a pain pill, a hug and to pee. Then I go make the Manthing's lunch.

17. I get annoyed when… I am rushed out of the house.

18. Parties are… a good thing for other people to leave me out of.

19. My pet… PETS are like children, only better. I can remember they are animals.

20. Kisses are…necessary.

21. Today I… am happy to be home and looking forward to dinner out.

22. I really want…a job I just interviewed for.