Even if I don't post daily or even weekly sometimes, I still check in those on my "Don't miss" list. I am not big on commenting but I read these folks for a myriad of reasons- they make me laugh, they make me think, they make me feel better on a shitty day or they simply remind me that I am not alone in the plethora of opinions I hold about most things.

For instance, giant kudos go to Uncle Bob who vacated a disabled stall in the men's room for someone who was actually qualified and in dire need. As someone who often needs those diabled stalls, I was impressed that someone was considerate enough to give it up. However, Bob was chased out of the gents room by the stench that soon followed only proving the old addage, "No good deed goes unpunished".

I know that Buttercup is busy as usual and comforted by the words of children and Disability Bitch has some strong and reasonable opinions about kids as caregivers. I know that Eden has no time to blog because her toddler has turned into a cute little couch climbing, kitchen table sitting monkey and that Heather is mentally preparing herself for her kidlet's potty training. I know that Atilla has decided to go to summer school and got scary bunny slippers for mothers day and that Blue found a cool, old Ramones song and video(one of my longtime favorites) that included a reference to a wheelchair, something I would have not remembered.

I am delighted to find Kitty renovating and redecorating and Robyn settling to her new home. Congrats should go out to Weetabix for tackling a 20 page research paper, while Ma, Katja and Mimi are thought provoking and entertaining as usual. Susan and Elle are crafty and productive with yarn and beads and things and sadly, Nikki has decided to stop blogging altogether. I also want to send condolences to Eden K who is dealing with the death of a parent this week.

All pimping aside, I am grateful that these people choose to continuing sharing their lives online. I learn not only about them but more about different lifestyles. By reading about their lives, I feel connected to something as lame as that may sound. Chronic pain and fatique can be so isolating sometimes. I'm not big on commenting, preferring the privacy of e-mail but I do enjoy the blogs I read and some I have been reading for many years. I often feel badly because time and fatigue conspire against me when I want to blog and I am unable to post as often as I'd like.

But there are times when life sees so mundane and ordinary, I wonder why anyone would want to read my version of it. I get up in the morning, make lunch for Manthing, take care of the critters and the household stuff, job hunt, write, work in the studio and watch old movies, volunteer at the gallery; I get tired of my own life and can't imagine anyone else finds it the least bit interesting.

Take today for instance. I had a migraine this morning and so I am behind. There is laundry to do, the floors to be vaccuumed, the art shows I am working on for August need my attention and there is always the job hunt. "The Old Maid" (Bette Davis, Miriam Hopkins) is on the television and the dogs are snoring. Seems hardly the stuff of interest to me.

Yet I get e-mails and IMs checking on me wondering when I will post again and a list of ideas and several articles to write about that call to me.

So, thanks and gratitude also to those who read me, too. Blogging it seems, can at times keep us all afloat.