I've been busy. My brain has been busy. I am doing real life important things.

Busy with adjusting to the summer pain level I learn to readjust to and tolerate every year. Busy with getting work done for the two art shows in August. Busy cleaning up the studio so I can be photographed at work.Busy with writing. Busy with the search for a new job. Busy stressing and obsessing about money stuff. Busy with Outside the Lines stuff. Busy attempting not to beat myself up for whatever I feel like I am not doing as well as I should be doing it.

I mean, I am busy with important shit here.

And PERHAPS it is because I am busy that I have found myself the last few weeks talking back to the television a lot more lately.

Do I care that Paris Hilton is in the clink? Or that Nicole Ritchie is knocked-up? Is it really necessary for me to have an opinion about David Hasselhoff's custody issues? Why do I care that Alec Baldwin and screamed at his child inappropriately? Do I need to be subjected to the toddler fights on the View AND not only pick a side but also have an opinion? I won't choose a side. My opinion is simply this: both sides are equally obnoxious and that there is some middle ground that they can meet on, if only they'd get their asses down from around their ears.

Why are any of these things NEWSWORTHY?

And what about this Andrew Speaker, Mr. TB Guy? Okay, it was enough when he got up on morning television and blubbered his apology while adamantly complaining about being unfairly cast as inconsiderate, irresponsible, thoughtless, and clearly self-absorbed. So you're a newlywed who can't kiss or bone your new bride for the next 6 months. I feel for you, buddy. I'd suggest using some the next six months determining if procreating is something you really need to do. I hope the honeymoon was fucking worth it, bonehead. Maybe you'll think twice next time when your medical team tells you they'd "prefer" that you not go anywhere until after you've been treated for a dangerous airborne disease.

Everyone now knows what dick he is and that he isn't coping well with being held accountable for his own actions and choices. I was done hearing about his stupid-ass. He wasn't contagious and no one will probably get sick because of his poor decision making skills. And if someone does, I hope he gets what with surely be coming to him. But, really couldn't we just move on?

Hell no.

I turned on my television the morning after his weepy, crocodile tear-filled interview and was subjected to his family STICKING UP for the guy. I was amazed at how outraged THEY were that everyone in the world was ticked off because TB Guy was jet-setting all over Europe. What the hell? He may not have meant to put anyone in harm's way and he may be a nice guy. But he still made really, really, fucking stupid decision and you all supported him on doing it. Intent doesn't make the what he chose to do different. Just because he "didn't mean" to hurt or upset anyone doesn't change the outcome.

It's a real brain trust there, I'll tell you. It's no wonder the guy can't make reality-based decisions. Clearly his parents and in-laws are from another reality far, far away from the one most of us live in.

Just shut the fuck up, Andrew, and take your medicine like a big boy.