When the screen went black and silent on Sunday, June 10, Manthing and I looked at each other and said in unison, "Please tell me the cable didn't freaking go out!" because it does in our neighborhood. Frequently. So we did what we always do. We waited. Then the credits began rolling and we again looked at each other and started laughing.

"That bastard.."

"Oh man. There are going to be some pissed off people on the web tomorrow."

"What do you mean TOMORROW? Check it in an hour."

"I wonder how many people will get it?"

"Get what?"

"The ending."

"What's to get? Life goes on; business as usual."

"You think?"

"Yep. What else is left?"

The Sopranos has never been your typical mafia show where someone gets whacked or busted and everything is tied up in a neat little bow at the end of each of episode. It's been messy and dysfunctional, punctuated with moments of joy, warmth, compassion and love.

I have been a dedicated Sopranos watcher since the first season. That's a LONG time. Manthing finally quit fighting a good thing and began watching the second season. We laughed because, well, it was a perfect ending.

That the series final it didn't make sense initially made perfect sense.

Life doesn't always make sense. Life catches you by surprise. Life pisses you off. Life still goes on. Hope springs eternal.