I don't often discuss or talk about my spiritual leanings on my blogs because for the most part, think people make too much of it. I don't care much for people who shove their spiritual or religious bent in my face and so I don't do it to others. Even in passing. I am past the years where I need to wear my beliefs on my sleeve and past the time in my life where I feel the need to explain, justify or even label what my spirituality is. When I think of God or a Higher Power, I think of something feminine, distinctly womanly. Sometimes it is nature, sometimes it life, sometimes it is a specific goddess, almost always referred to as the "Goddess". It is, for me, what it is. And it is not static. It is fluid and evolves as I evolve.

However, many years ago, when I was searching for a power greater than myself, I was not so sure. It was then when I found the Goddess. It was comforting and empowering to know the spirit/energy/power that was out there running the show wasn't a wizened old, man with a long white beard or young man whipped and nailed violently to a cross to die.

At this time in my life, I explored women's spirituality. I identified for years as a witch. I cast spells, maintained several altars in my home and studied all manner of pagan religion, trying each on I suppose to see how they fit. It was during this time that I discovered a new book called Ariadne's Thread written by Shekhinah Mountainwater. A foremother of the women's spirituality movement, Shekhinah designed Ariadne's Thread as a workbook for students of the Goddess, it a book chock full of information about goddesslore and exercises to open up your mind and inspire creativity. I learned about the phases of a woman's life and it here that I first read about cronehood. Ariadne's Thread helped to change my world and shape my spirituality.

Many years later, when I was a contributing co-editor of a women's spirituality journal, I was able to spend time working with Shekhinah doing an interview and a piece about her altar. I was honored to work with this wise woman and grateful for the opportunity. I lost personal touch with her in 2000 when I resigned from the magazine and underwent my last spine surgery. However, I kept tabs on her through her discussion list and sent periodic notes.

When Shekhinah was diagnosed with cancer in 2005, I sent her a note and we kept in touch sporadically. I watched as she struggled valiantly to keep a positive attitude and share her real self with those on her discussion list.

This morning I opened my e-mail to find Shekhinah had crossed over on Saturday. I was sad and elated: sad for us and and elated that Shekhinah was now on the the other side, perhaps beginning a new journey.

And so today I have spent time today remembering what I learned from Shekhinah; from her wisdom; from her knowledge. I thank her for her willingness to share her knowledge, strength and humanity with the world. Without her contributions, women's spirituality would not be as diverse or lush.

Shekhinah Mountainwater
October 24, 1939 – August 11, 2007

"She changes everything she touches, and
everything she touches, changes".
~ Starhawk

*photo credit: Angie Miranda