Imbolc or Candlemas is a time of new beginnings, a time when the first evidence of regeneration are felt and seen. This is a time to meditate on what you would like to see grow in health and strength this year: for yourself, your family, your community, and the Earth. We notice longer days and warmer temperatures, even though winter blasts are still likely in the Northern Hemisphere. Persephone begins her ascent to Earth's surface and hope is renewed.

Journaling ideas:

Write down the names of the people you’d like to see happy, healthy and prosperous this year. Next to each name, write down 5 positive things about them. Affirm that each will reach their goals, achieve their dreams and grow more healthy, happy and prosperous this year!


On a sheet of paper write down your goals and dreams for the new year. Find or draw images of your hopes and dreams. Spend time decorating the page and celebrating your hopes for your future endeavors. Plant these positive thoughts in fertile ground so they can sprout and grow or light on fire to release your the positive energies into the atmosphere.

Everything that IS was first a thought. New beginnings take some thought. A bright new future takes some planning. What which you focus on expands and grows.

What are you focused on?